Thyroid dysfunction following a kelp-containing marketed diet


Thyroid dysfunction following a kelp-containing marketed diet

Other reports describe hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis secondary to iodine ingestion, in which defective autoregulation of hormone biosynthesis may have contributed. These variable effects may alter synthroid chat dosage requirements and affect monitoring parameters (thyroid function tests). Avoidance of iodine-containing products such as kelp when taking thyroid therapy is recommended.

However, the benefits of living beside seaweed-abundant shores are less clear in Tasmania, which in the past was iodine deficient despite being the location for giant kelp forests. Iodine deficiency persists in Tasmania but shows regional variation with highest values in the northeast 57. The use of iodized salt added to flour in breadmaking has become mandatory in both Australia and New Zealand with corresponding improvements in population iodine status 22, 23. Another vector for increasing population iodine intake was the beneficial side effect of administering a bolus of iodine to cattle in a bid to improve fertility with resulting increases in dairy milk iodine content 24. Staying with the agricultural experience, the practice of sanitizing milking machines with iodophor-containing disinfectants inadvertently contributed to increased milk iodine concentration 25. Despite its benefits for increasing iodine intake, iodized salt does not provide a panacea for solving iodine deficiency.

The People’s Pharmacy Bottom Line:

Federal labeling regulations require the recommended dose on the bottle to reflect the maximum iodine dose, so don’t exceed the recommended dose unless specifically recommended by your doctor. The objective of this communication is to review the association with thyroid function of seaweed-derived iodine intake, outlining the beneficial and in some case adverse consequences of this association. The influence on cloud formation and possible iodine intake of gaseous iodines released in seaweed-abundant coastal areas will also be examined.

1. Patient information

Excessive iodine from kelp, a type of seaweed, has been described to adversely affect the thyroid.1819 Kelp is available worldwide in grocery stores as it is a key ingredient of Japanese miso soup. It is also available as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules, powder and teas. The development of hypothyroidism with the negative metabolic effect of such a condition worsens the clinical situation of these participants.

  • Iodine is an essential trace element for synthesis of thyroid hormones and normal brain development requiresthyroxine (T4).
  • The theorized or clinically determined reason (i.e., mechanism) why the drug-drug interaction occurs.
  • If your thyroid produces too little hormone, it results in a health problem called hypothyroidism.
  • The ultrasound feature of ‘thyroid inferno’ is not typical of subacute thyroiditis, while it has been documented to occur after an excessive iodine load.
  • G) Goitrous hypothyroidism was reported in a 44 year-old man who ingested “large amounts of seaweed” (amount unspecified).

Treatment of Hypothyroidism due to Iodine Deficiency Using Daily Powdered Kelp in Patients

Here is just such a casethat was reported on our website along with scientific documentation of the link to hyperthyroidism. If you decide to include seaweed in your diet, choosing your sources carefully is essential. Organic, sustainably harvested seaweed products from reputable brands are ideal, as they are more likely to be free from harmful contaminants. Seaweed can be enjoyed in various forms, such as dried, powdered, or as an ingredient in soups and salads.

This clinical case calls for keen attention to avoid herbal medicine or diets for weight loss, containing kelp or other iodine-rich ingredients also in participants with no evidence of thyroid disease. In our case, the subject did not have pre-existing or underlying thyroid disease. For 3 months, she ingested 336 mcg iodine daily from complementary medication (Table 3). The total amount of iodine she consumed from her diet (milk, yogurt, bread, fruits, and vegetables), and supplements was greater than 500 mcg/day (Table 4). She recovered normal thyroid function after discontinuing the kelp seaweed supplement and starting antithyroid medication.

We report a case of thyroid dysfunction due to the consumption of kelp containing tablets. Informed written consent was obtained from the patients for publication of this case report and accompanying images. Approval from the ethics committee of the University Emergency Clinical Hospital “Pius Brinzeu” Timisoara was obtained.

Effects of kelp supplementation on thyroid function in euthyroid subjects

The thyroid scintiscan exhibited an extremely low uptake and colour-Doppler ultrasonography revealed multiple small areas of pulsatile flow. After 3 months of levothyroxine substitutive therapy, normal thyroid function was recovered after levothyroxine discontinuation. This clinical history is compatible with a case of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis followed by prolonged block of the sodium–iodide symporter activity as a consequence of excessive iodine consumption from kelp.

The iodine content of seaweed and its chemical form varies with different species but is generally greater in brown seaweeds (kelps) than the green or red varieties 9. The use of seaweed in Asian cooking has been long established and is enjoying increasing popularity in the Western diet 10. Equally important is the role of seaweed-derived iodine in influencing climate cloud formation 11. Iodine, particularly in seaweed-abundant coastal areas, acts as a powerful antioxidant 12 and may contribute via respiration to iodine intake in humans 13. Sometimes these mechanisms fail and iodine excess causes overt clinical hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Other sources of excessive iodine are iodinated radio-contrast material and the antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone.15–17 An other source of excessive iodine is dietary consumption of brown seaweed.

Whether it’s sushi rolls, seaweed salad, sheets of dried nori, or capsule supplements, there’s no shortage of opportunities to increase your seaweed intake. Seaweed is highly nutritious and has many macronutrients, making it a popular food for health-minded people. Here are some primary health benefits of seaweed and kelp foods and supplements. The health and wellness industry is always buzzing about the latest superfoods and natural remedies. While seaweed has been a staple in some cuisines for centuries, it has emerged as a potential ally for individuals with Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism.