Office : Synchrotron Light Research Institute, Suranaree University of Technology 111 University Ave, Muang District, Nakhon Ratchsima, 30000 Thailand
Phone : +66 (0)44 224 578
E-mail :
Education :
2012 Ph.D. in Physics, University of Bristol, UK
2007 B.Sc. in Physics, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, GPA 3.99 out of 4.00, First Class Honor and Gold medal
Work experience :
Oct 2015 – Present Head of School of Physics, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
Feb 2010 – Present Faculty member, School of Physics, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
Mar 2009 – Sept 2010 Postdoctoral Researcher, Developing Laser-based Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy Supervisor: Prof. Felix Baumberger, (now at University of Geneva)
Jan 2009 – Jan 2010 Researcher, Synchrotron Light Research Institute, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
Research Expertise & Interest :
Structural study of materials, Synchrotron Radiation techniques, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Neutron Scattering, MD and RMC simulations
– 2015 TRF-OHEC-Scopus Research Award (Physical Science) from Thailand Research Fund, Office of Higher Education Commissions and Elsevier
– Outstanding Research Award from National Research Council of Thailand
– SUT Outstanding Young Researcher Award, from Suranaree University of Technology
– TWAS Prize for Young Scientists in Thailand, in Physics, from NRCT, The World Academy of Science/UNESCO
– Thailand Young Scientist Award from the Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology under the Patronage of His Majesty the King
– Outstanding PhD Thesis Award by National Research Council of Thailand, Thailand
– Thai Scholar Innovation Program award by Office of Educational Affairs, USA
– Graduated with the Outstanding Senior Award and highest academic honors, UCSB
– Summer 2001 Research Internships in Science and Engineering award (RISE), UCSB
– CCS Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships award (SURF), UCSB
– 1st place local winner at UCSB and 17th place nationwide on 1999 BAUPC.
– DPST Scholarship for study in the field of Physics through Ph. D. in the U.S.
– A Thai representative for 28th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), Sudbury, Canada.
Research publications :
Total number of publication: 45 (International journals)
h-index: 19
Total citation: 1745
- Riley JM, Meevasana W, Bawden L, Asakawa M, Takayama T, Eknapakul T, Kim TK, Hoesch M, Mo SK, Takagi H, Sasagawa T, Bahramy MS, King PDC. Negative electronic compressibility and tunable spin splitting in WSe2. Nature Nanotechnology, 10; 1043-1047 (2015). (impact factor 048)
- Eknapakul T., King P.D.C., Asakawa M., Buaphet P., He R.-H., Mo S.-K., Takagi H., Shen K.M., Baumberger F., Sasagawa T.,Jungthawan S., Meevasana W., Electronic Structure of a Quasi-Freestanding MoS2 Monolayer, Nano Letters, 14; 1312 (2014). (Impact factor = 12.94)
- King P. D. C., Walker S. M., Tamai A., de la Torre A., Eknapakul T., Buaphet P., Mo S. -K., Meevasana W., Bahramy M. S., Baumberger F., Quasiparticle dynamics and spin-orbital texture of the SrTiO3 two-dimensional electron gas, Nature Communications, 5; 3414 (2014) (Impact factor = 10.742)
- Masingboon C., Eknapakul T., Suwanwong S., Buaphet P., Nakajima H., Mo, S.-K., Thongbai, P., King P.D.C., Maensiri, S.,Meevasana W., Anomalous change in dielectric constant of CaCu3Ti4O12 under violet-to-ultraviolet irradiation, Applied Physics Letters, 102; 202903 (2013). (Impact factor = 3.515, cited 3 times)
- King P.D.C., He R.H., Eknapakul T., Buaphet P., Mo S.-K., Kaneko Y., Harashima S., Hikita Y., Bahramy M.S., Bell C., Hussain Z., Tokura Y., Shen Z.-X., Hwang H.Y., Baumberger F., Meevasana W., Subband structure of a two-dimensional electron gas formed at the polar surface of the strong spin-orbit perovskite KTaO3, Physical Review Letters, 108; 11762 (2012). (Impact factor =7.728, cited 47 times)
- Meevasana W., King P.D.C., He R.H., Mo S.-K., Hashimoto M., Tamai A., Songsiriritthigul P., Baumberger F., Shen Z.-X., Creation and control of a two-dimensional electron liquid at the bare SrTiO3 surface, Nature Materials , 10 ; 114 (2011). (Impact factor = 36.425, cited 150 times)
- He R.-H., Hashimoto M., Karapetyan H., Koralek J.D., Hinton J.P., Testaud J.P., Nathan V., Yoshida Y., Yao H., Tanaka K., Meevasana W., Moore R.G., Lu D.H., Mo S.-K., Ishikado M., Eisaki H., Hussain Z., Devereaux T.P., Kivelson S.A., Orenstein J., Kapitulnik A., Shen Z.-X. , From a single-band metal to a high-temperature superconductor via two thermal phase transitions, Science , 331 ; 1579 (2011). (Impact factor = 31.477, cited 15 times)
- Meevasana W., Zhou X.J., Moritz B., Chen C.-C., He R.H., Fujimori S.-I., Lu D.H., Mo S.-K., Moore R.G., Baumberger F., Devereaux T.P., Van Der Marel D., Nagaosa N., Zaanen J., Shen Z.-X., Strong energy-momentum dispersion of phonon-dressed carriers in the lightly doped band insulator SrTiO3 , New Journal of Physics , 12 ; 23004 (2010). (Impact factor = 3.673, cited 16 times)
- Meevasana W., Supruangnet R., Nakajima H., Topon O., Amornkitbamrung V., Songsiriritthigul P. , Electron affinity study of adamantane on Si(1 1 1) , Applied Surface Science , 256 ; 934 (2009). (Impact factor = 2.538, cited 4 times)
- Yang W.L., Fabbri J.D., Willey T.M., Lee J.R.I., Dahl J.E., Carlson R.M.K., Schreiner P.R., Fokin A.A., Tkachenko B.A., Fokina N.A., Meevasana W., Mannella N., Tanaka K., Zhou X.J., Van Buuren T., Kelly M.A., Hussain Z., Melosh N.A., Shen Z.-X., Monochromatic electron photoemission from diamondoid monolayers, Science, 316; 1460 (2007). (Impact factor = 31.477, cited 111 times)